Christmas in England

I've been at home in England for the past two weeks, enjoying Christmas and the New Year with family and friends after a busy few months in Malawi. I split my time between London - seeing friends and enjoying the city in full Christmas swing - and Whitchurch, the small village in Buckinghamshire where my parents live - relaxing mostly!

I fly back to Malawi this evening, and while sad to be leaving family and friends here in England, I'm looking forward to seeing the dogs and Nepear and his family, counting the new chicks that will have hatched while I was away, and speculating on whether Strawberry is pregnant or remains stubbornly chaste.

A large portion of my Christmas list was given over to books pertaining to smallholder-related activities (see picture below) so I'm looking forward to spending 2015 knee-deep in home-brew and chutney. All being well, this year we should have a litter of piglets to fatten up and sell, a large flock of egg-machines and a booming cider-making operation.

I have also invested in a new tent, which will be winging its way to Malawi shortly, breaking all-records for 'largest item in the diplomatic bag' in the process. So I hope to spend some time in the New Year exploring the more remote campsites of Malawi.

Happy New Year all!

Frosty morning from my bedroom window

Mum, Dad and Szilvi walking in the village

Christmas Books

The Strand, London

Sunset over the Vale of Aylesbury

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